by Gabriele Gzimailaite


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IMG_4320-14 IMG_4316-15 IMG_4345-12 IMG_4337-13 IMG_4295-17 IMG_4352-10 jeans, jacket & top  ZARA

This summer I am going to inject a lot of denim into my wardrobe and I ain't following no 'rules'! There are no rules in fashion so don't ever think 'Can I wear this?' Of course you can. Wear anything you want, we are living in a world where we can be free with out choices of clothes. I am doing double denim a lot this summer. I am also weirdly only buying neutral tones for summer. Nothing bright in my wardrobe. I am excited to wear white, beige, cream etc. But I don't think I could ever leave black behind so those black clothes always sneak into my wardrobe somehow. I am having a really lazy morning today, when I should be fixing my essay (4 days till deadline) and working on my main project which I haven't touched in two weeks. I am having a some sort of depression where I don't want to think about university, I don't want to do any work and I wouldn't even mind quitting. But I can't do that, I literally have like 2/3 months left! How to get through this hell? Please drop any ideas below! lol 

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